Webaggo Flux RSS - Vidéo https://webaggo.com/fr/rss/category/video Webaggo Flux RSS - Vidéo fr Copyright 2022 - 2024 Webaggo - Tous droits réservés Titres YouTube Apple Motion , Final Cut | Abonnez-vous, cloche et bouton j'aime. https://webaggo.com/fr/youtube-titles-after-effect-subscribe-bell-and-like-button-96 https://webaggo.com/fr/youtube-titles-after-effect-subscribe-bell-and-like-button-96

✔ Prix: 12 ج.م

  • Titres Youtube et éléments d'abonnement
  • Apple Motion et Final Cut Pro X
  • Résolution 4K (3840×2860)
  • Prend en charge n'importe quelle langue
  • N'importe quelle police
  • Interface conviviale
  • Animation d'entrée et de sortie
  • Rendu rapide
  • Didacticiel vidéo
Mon, 23 May 2022 16:53:38 +0200 SkechorsStudio
2300 Transmission vidéo professionnelle | Le pack original de transitions douces et de transitions https://webaggo.com/fr/2300-انتقال-احترافي-للفيديو-حزمة-التحولات-والانتقالات-السلسة-الأصلية-90 https://webaggo.com/fr/2300-انتقال-احترافي-للفيديو-حزمة-التحولات-والانتقالات-السلسة-الأصلية-90

✔ Prix: $59

Sun, 01 May 2022 20:59:57 +0200 videolancer
FX MONSTER - Premium Pack [1650+ 2D FX Elements] https://webaggo.com/fr/fx-monster-premium-pack-1650-2d-fx-elements-89 https://webaggo.com/fr/fx-monster-premium-pack-1650-2d-fx-elements-89

✔ Prix: $69

أكبر مشروع رسوم متحركة ثنائية الأبعاد لـ After Effects و Premiere Pro.

أكثر من 1650 عنصرًا في عبوة واحدة! المشروع ينمو ويتحسن باستمرار.

يمكنك دمج العناصر وإنشاء مجموعات فريدة.

استخدمه لمقاطع فيديو youtube أو الألعاب أو عرض الشرائح أو العرض التقديمي أو إظهار الشعار أو أي شيء تريده.

يقرأ فريقنا جميع المراجعات ويحاول دائمًا تحسين مشروعنا.

نعمل باستمرار على تحسين أداء امتداد FxMonster وإضافة ميزات جديدة.

يمكنك ترك بعض التعليقات لنا إذا كنت تحب ما نقوم به ولا تتردد في اقتراح أي تحسينات.

مميزات المشروع:
  • ملحق After Effects + حزمة تجريبية.
  • ملفات Premiere Pro MOGRT
  • المعاينة في الوقت الحقيقي
  • استيراد سريع
  • 1. السحب ، 2. الإسقاط ، 3. العرض
  • وشملت دروس الفيديو
  • AECC 2018 وأحدث الإصدارات

FX MONSTER - Premium Pack [1650+ 2D FX Elements] - 1 

FX MONSTER - Premium Pack [1650+ 2D FX Elements] - 2 

FX MONSTER - Premium Pack [1650+ 2D FX Elements] - 3


FX MONSTER - Premium Pack [1650+ 2D FX Elements] - 4 

FX MONSTER - Premium Pack [1650+ 2D FX Elements] - 5 

FX MONSTER - Premium Pack [1650+ 2D FX Elements] - 6 

FX MONSTER - Premium Pack [1650+ 2D FX Elements] - 7

FX MONSTER - Premium Pack [1650+ 2D FX Elements] - 8 

FX MONSTER - Premium Pack [1650+ 2D FX Elements] - 9 

FX MONSTER - Premium Pack [1650+ 2D FX Elements] - 10

Sun, 01 May 2022 12:16:14 +0200 FX_Monster
3D Pan Handy Transitions – over 300 presets for After Effects https://webaggo.com/fr/3d-pan-handy-transitions-over-300-presets-for-after-effects-85 https://webaggo.com/fr/3d-pan-handy-transitions-over-300-presets-for-after-effects-85

✔ Prix: $33

3D Pan Handy Transitions – over 300 presets for After Effects

Distortion Zoom Transitions - 13D Pan Transitions - 1


Technical requirements

  • To use the Motion Bro extension requires After Effects CC.2014.2 or higher. Watch tutorial
  • To use presets without an extension (drag-and-drop method) requires After Effects CS6 or higher. Watch tutorial
  • It is possible to use presets in Premiere Pro using Dynamic Link. Watch tutorial


70 Edge Transitions

3D Pan Transitions - 2 3D Pan Transitions - 3

3D Pan Transitions - 4 3D Pan Transitions - 5

65 Spin Transitions

3D Pan Transitions - 6 3D Pan Transitions - 7

3D Pan Transitions - 8 3D Pan Transitions - 9

60 Camera Transitions

3D Pan Transitions - 10 3D Pan Transitions - 11

3D Pan Transitions - 12 3D Pan Transitions - 13


60 Flight Transitions

3D Pan Transitions - 14 3D Pan Transitions - 15

3D Pan Transitions - 16 \\

Sat, 30 Apr 2022 20:19:29 +0200 videolancer
AE Face Tools - Tools and Presets for face footages inside After Effects https://webaggo.com/fr/ae-face-tools-tools-and-presets-for-face-footages-inside-after-effects-84 https://webaggo.com/fr/ae-face-tools-tools-and-presets-for-face-footages-inside-after-effects-84

✔ Prix: $45

Meet it – AE Face Tools on webaggo!

Do you often mount face footages in After Effects or Premiere Pro?!
Add features of Face Applications without smartphones and neuronets!
AE Face Tools – is a package of presets, that will expand considerably

the features of standard face tracking from After Effects.

 Check out this overview to find out more: Watch on YouTube.


The new version AE Face Tools 3.0 is already available!

What’s new?! Check out this video review.

AE Face Tools - 1


Tools and Presets for face footages inside After Effects

Face Tools library includes hundreds of ready-to-use presets

AE Face Tools - 2 AE Face Tools - 3 

AE Face Tools - 4 

AE Face Tools - 5 AE Face Tools - 6 

\\ AE Face Tools - 7


One click to add a Preset

How it works?
Detect a face with a mask and make face tracking (it is a standard option in After Effects).

Then, in the Motion Bro panel, choose any preset and add it in one click. That is all.

 Check out this overview to find out more: Watch on YouTube.

AE Face Tools - 8

AE Face Tools - 9 AE Face Tools - 10 AE Face Tools - 11


Easy Customization

No prerenders! All the presets are customizable and you can edit them at any moment

AE Face Tools - 12


Lifetime Free Updates

The more demand our product will be, the more often we will release updates, which, by the way, are always available for free

AE Face Tools - 13


Face Replacements Tools

You can replace the face using a common photo of another person.
Check out this video tutorial

AE Face Tools - 14

AE Face Tools - 15

Note: Face replacement – is an experimental tool. Not suitable if you need a professional result.


Makeup Tools

Category Makeup includes several presets that will help to put on any texture, video or correcting effect on the face.

For example, you can make the face older adding the face of an old man as a texture.

AE Face Tools - 16


Makeup Composite

Combine several different effects on one face.

AE Face Tools - 17

AE Face Tools - 18 AE Face Tools - 19


Emoji Presets

Tons of presets to amplify your emotion.

AE Face Tools - 20

AE Face Tools - 21 AE Face Tools - 22


Reverese Stabilization Tools

You can use reverse stabilization to fix any distorting effect on the face

AE Face Tools - 23


HUD and Face Scan Presets

Dozens of ready-made presets to create the effect of a face scan or identification.

AE Face Tools - 24

AE Face Tools - 25 AE Face Tools - 26


Eyes Tools

Replace eyes with dozens of pre-made presets or create your own eye preset

AE Face Tools - 27

AE Face Tools - 28 AE Face Tools - 29


Cleanup Tools

Brush out skin defects – such as pimples and pigmented spots

AE Face Tools - 30


Distortion Tools

In a few clicks add distorting effects for changing the face beyond recognition

AE Face Tools - 31

AE Face Tools - 32 AE Face Tools - 33


Transform Tools

Re-transform your face! You can rotate, scale and offset any of the face part

AE Face Tools - 34 AE Face Tools - 35 AE Face Tools - 36


Stabilization Tools

Stabilize your video by face in order to make it more expressive

AE Face Tools - 37 AE Face Tools - 38


Adjustment Mask Tools

Adjustments Mask is a set of the presets for masking parts of the face. For example, you can change the colour of eyes and lips

AE Face Tools - 39

Tue, 26 Apr 2022 15:06:22 +0200 videolancer